In order to ease back into it; I thought I would start with a fun topic - The Oscars! I read today that viewership was up and that over 43 million people tuned in, so I think this is a good spot to start; hopefully you will know what I am talking about.
Here are some things I learned (or noticed) while watching the 2013 Oscar Award Show
- Not everyone that writes a punch line can actually deliver it.
- Diva nails are back! Did you see those nails on Adele and Dame Shirley Bassey as they performed!?
- Kristen Stewart appeared to have better places to be.
- JHud, Adele and Barbara Streisand can definitely belt out the tunes
- I am a sucker for celebrities; their fashion and their gossip
- I will own a pair of red sole shoes one day
- I'm falling in love with Jennifer Lawerence; her media interview sealed the deal; the girl is funny!
- and Twitter feed was far more entertaining than the Oscars ever could be
I'm sure there were lots of other things but these were some of the things that stuck out to me.
Here are a couple of my favourite dresses of the night.
*all images are from the Huffington Post
so there it Oscar moments.
until next time I sit down ;)