Monday, December 5, 2011

A Successful Black Friday!

Sorry I've been MIA, I've got lots going on and I can't wait to post about all of the good things I've got going thing at a time; today, it's all about my recent BLACK FRIDAY experience!

Black Friday is the day following the US Thanksgiving; traditionally it marks the start of the holiday shopping season - and is the busiest shopping day of the year!  To me it's about the deals!  Every year I, along with some friends (including one very daring husband (not mine)); travel across the border to tackle the crowds in search of the best deals!  

Yes, the horror stories of being trampled and people fighting over the hottest ticket item are true.  I've never experienced them first hand and I find it crazy that people stand in line all night just to be first in the store - our group is not that hard core; the only craziness we deal with is the line up at the GAP.

I managed to get some A LOT of good gifts for myself my loved ones; I don't know how, but things that I like always end up in the shopping bags ;)  By the end of the excursion I found something for everyone on my list - I don't want to mention the gifts that I got, because most people that I bought for read this blog (or at least they better); but I think they will all be pleased!  

I can share with you these 2 deals - Newly Acquired Husband is up a pair of jeans that I found for a ridiculously good price: regularly $135 I paid $54!  And I'm up a bag full of goodies from DKNY and Banana Republic for 60% off!

Our van full of ladies and 1 man hit the Fashion Outlet Mall followed by Target and finally Walden Galleria Mall - it's one long day; but we wouldn't be able to do it if we weren't prepared.  

My tips for surviving:

  1. make a list: know who you have to buy for and what you might want to get them
  2. know the stores you want to check out
  3. know the deals: you can find all of the deals that will be offered online
  4. look for coupons: if you search you can find a coupon that will give you an even better deal than is being offered in the store
  5. don't forget your patience: if you are looking for a quick shopping trip this is not the day (or weekend) for you; expect line ups, people and traffic

The best part about tackling Black Friday?  I'm done my shopping early and can enjoy the holiday season.  I already can't wait for next year.

And after all of that, I totally know what you're thinking - how does that husband travel with 4 women and spend 12 hours shopping!?  I can't answer that; I'm baffled myself!  :)

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